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Recurring Policy

Recurring Policy

Recurring policy offers customization of various aspects of the recurring payment feature. There is no limit on the number of recurring policies that may be set up. Recurring policies are assigned to individual checkout pages.

New Policy

Recurring Policy Name

Enter a name that uniquely identifies the policy. The policies are assigned to each checkout page based on their name, as shown in a pull down menu.

Recurring Options

Recurring donations may be set in either of the two options available; namely subscription or installment. Each method is explained below:

  • Subscription: Similar to a magazine subscription, the donor chooses the amount that he/she wishes to pay at each interval. Example: $30 per month for 12 months. With Subscription option indefinite recurring payments are available.
  • Installment: Similar to purchasing a car and making monthly payments toward a final sum, the donor will enter the total amount to be donated and choose the number of payments they wish to pay until the full amount is paid. Example: Pay $1200 total - break it into 12 payments of $100 each.

Schedule this policy to repeat every:

Select the intervals to be offered to the patron. The intervals selected will be available in a pull down menu for each checkout page.

  • Period: Limit the number of periods the patron may choose. Example: 12 periods will limit the patron to 12 payments for each interval, e.g. Month.
  • End Date: Limit the period by entering an end date. All payments will end by the selected date. Example: All recurring payments should end by June 1. Once selected the patron may choose a period that does not go over the end date.
  • Indefinite: Will not provide an option of selecting a period or end date. The payment will continue indefinitely. 

Manage Recurring Policy

Edit Editing the item or option
Delete Delete the item or option. All deletions are final and cannot be reverted

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