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Simple Basket

The Click & Pledge default payment system includes a comprehensive user interface allowing for easy addition and updates of products and donations.  In addition to the classic interface, the payment system allows processing of credit cards using a basket system that can easily be integrated into your existing payment solution.
The following are parameters that can be used:
  • Base URL:  https://co.clickandpledge.com/basket/default.aspx
Required Parameters:
  • WID = Window ID [Checkout page ID]
  • B = Basket Name (Required)- Example:  B=Conference Registration [TEXT]
  • T = Total charge to be processed (Required)- Example: T=100 [NUMERIC]
Optional Parameters:
  • D = Total tax deductible portion (Optional)- Example:  D=20
  • I = Reference ID (Optional)- Example:  I=ABC123 [TEXT- limit 50 characters]
  • R= Redirect URL (https://xyz.com). The parameter is limited to 200 characters. The R parameter is the landing page of the checkout page once a transaction is complete. It is mandatory for the R parameter to point to a secure site.
  • RST = Reset form: RST=1 clears the form prior to posting new values. All other values are ignored.
  • DU = Disable update:
    • DU = 0 (default): Update and delete options are available
    • DU = 1: Disables update & delete options. Basket values may not be updated or removed.

Recurring Parameters (Optional):
  • P = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
    • 0: Every week
    • 1: Every 2 weeks
    • 2: Monthly
    • 3: Every 2 months
    • 4: Quarterly
    • 5: Annually
  • N = Number of intervals
The basket may be used in either of GET or POST method. See examples below.

The arguments used for redirect & response are:
  • I = Reference ID as provided in the originating URL.
  • A = Authorization Number
  • S = Status: A (Authorized), DCL (Declined), CNCL (Canceled - in case Parameter C is provided with value =1).
  • P = Payment method
    • CC = Credit Card
    • IN = Invoice
    • PO = Purchase Order

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