Path: CnPAPI.Engine.Request.Operation
- OperationType
- IPAddress
- EnableRestriction
- UrlReference
Operation element specifies the type of operation to be performed. Only Transaction type is available in Release 1.0. Additional operations will be added in the future releases.
<xsd:element name="Operation">
<xsd:element ref="OperationType"/>
<xsd:element ref="IPAddress" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element ref="EnableRestriction" minOccurs="0"/>
<xsd:element ref="UrlReferrer" minOccurs="0"/>
Name | OperationType |
Path | CnPAPI.Engine.Request. Operation.OperationType |
Description | Define the type of operation to be performed. |
Data Type | String |
Range | Transaction |
Default | |
Operation | All operations |
Input/output | Input |
Version/Release | 1.2 |
Required | Yes |
Example | <OperationType>Transaction</OperationType> |
<xsd:element name= "OperationType" >
<xsd:simpleType >
<xsd:annotation >
<xsd:documentation> Define the type of operation to be performed</xsd:documentation >
</xsd:annotation >
<xsd:restriction base= "xsd:normalizedString" >
<xsd:enumeration value= "Transaction" />
</xsd:restriction >
</xsd:simpleType >
IP address of the computer used for making the transaction. The IP is saved for security and tracking purposes.
Name | IPAddress |
Path | CnPAPI.Engine.Request. Operation.IPAddress |
Description | Card holder’s IP address ( |
Data Type | String |
Range | Maximum 15 characters |
Default | |
Operation | All operation |
Input/output | Input |
Version/Release | 1.2 |
Required | Yes |
Example | <IPAddress></IPAddress> You may pass: if client IP cannot be determined, e.g. in Flash / Silverlight. |
<xsd:element name= "IPAddress" >
<xsd:simpleType >
<xsd:annotation >
<xsd:documentation> Card holder’s IP address (</xsd:documentation >
</xsd:annotation >
<xsd:restriction base= "xsd:normalizedString" >
<xsd:maxLength value= "15" />
</xsd:restriction >
</xsd:simpleType >
Country and state restrictions may be enabled in the administrative system and applied to the API transactions. Once enabled, payments originating from the restricted states & countries will decline. The IP address needs to be passed correctly since country will be based on the IP address.
Name | EnableRestriction |
Path | CnPAPI.Engine.Request. Operation.EnableRestriction |
Description | Decline cards from states & countries that are restricted in the administrative system. |
Data Type | Boolean |
Range | true / false |
Default | false |
Operation | All operation |
Input/output | Input |
Version/Release | 2.9.2 |
Required | No |
Example | <EnableRestriction>false</EnableRestriction> |
<xsd:element name= "EnableRestriction" >
<xsd:simpleType >
<xsd:annotation >
<xsd:documentation />
</xsd:annotation >
<xsd:restriction base= "xsd:boolean" />
</xsd:simpleType >
</xsd:element >
The URL address of the donation page to be saved in the report.
Name | UrlReferrer |
Path | CnPAPI.Engine.Request. Operation.UrlReferrer |
Description | The web site address of the page |
Data Type | String |
Range | 0-300 |
Default | |
Operation | All operation |
Input/output | Input |
Version/Release | 2.19 |
Required | No |
Example | <UrlReferrer></UrlReferrer> |
<xsd:element name= "UrlReferrer" >
<xsd:simpleType >
<xsd:annotation >
<xsd:documentation><![CDATA[UrlReferrer.]]></xsd:documentation >
</xsd:annotation >
<xsd:restriction base= "xsd:normalizedString" >
<xsd:maxLength value= "300" />
</xsd:restriction >
</xsd:simpleType >