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Version: 5.xx

The Virtual Terminal may be called from anywhere in Salesforce with preset features.  Through this feature programmers and Salesforce administrators may create links to the Virtual Terminal with various values that overrides the default settings.

The following are the variables that may be used in linking to the Virtual Terminal tab.

Core Parameters
  • b=payment
    • Payment name or item name as it will appear in the receipt.  The name will also be used as the opportunity name or product name depending on the C&P Settings.  (Text)
  • t=101
    • Total to be charged (Currency -$)
  • d=2
    • Percent tax deductible portion (%)
  • dis=3
    • Discounted amount (Currency - $)
  • tx=5
    • Sales tax (Currency - $)
  • s=100
    • Shipping cost (Currency - $)
  • trk=tracker
    • Tracker (Text)
  • cm=Campaign
    • Campaign text will be matched against the Campaigns set in Salesforce.  Matching campaigns will be updated (Text)
  • rp = 0, 1
    • Enable recurring payments (0 = do not set, 1 = enable)
  • rm=1, 2
    • Recurring method (1= Installments, 2= Subscription)
  • n=10
    • Number of recurring payments (Number).  A value of 999 is set as indefinite.
  • p= 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    • Periodicity:
      • 1 = 2 Weeks
      • 2 = Month
      • 3 = 2 Months
      • 4 = Quarter
      • 5 = 6 Months
      • 6 = Year
  • cnpaid=2447
    • Click & Pledge account number [Account number should be listed in the C&P Settings > C&P Accounts]
  • du= 0, 1
    • Disable update.  (1 = disable, 0 = enable)
  • sfContactId= xyz
    • Salesforce Contact ID for specific Contact to be selected as the payee. 
Additional Parameters (Advanced)
The C&P Settings tab provides various settings controlling the behavior of the application.  The settings will control how a transaction will be recorded and how each of the affected objects will be updated or created.  Through the following settings each of the default settings may be changed, disabled, or reset to a different value.

The following are the parameters that may be used for each of the default settings.  Those parameters that are not passed will not be affected and the values set in the Settings tab will be used.
  • Opportunity Settings:
    • cs_os_co:  Create opportunity for each item (0,1)
    • cs_os_cp:  Create/associate product for each item (0,1)
    • cs_os_cr:  Assign the contact role for each opportunity (0,1)
    • cs_os_at:  State of authorized transactions (Text matching the available states)
    • cs_os_dt:  State of the declined transactions  (Text matching the available states)
    • cs_os_it:  State of the invoiced transaction  (Text matching the available states)
    • cs_os_pt:  State of the purchase order transaction  (Text matching the available states)
    • cs_os_ft: State of the free transactions   (Text matching the available states)

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