Fraud Protection
Custom forms are not protected by Click & Pledge's fraud protection guarantee since reCAPTCHA cannot be enforced, as well as various server-side checks & balances we have included in the CONNECT forms. Please make sure the forms are tested against credit card validation robo-attacks. By using the API you are accepting complete responsibility for all fraudulent transactions.
Web Server
PHP Version 7.3.19
Place the ClickandPledge_PaaS_Processer.php in your web server.
Include the ClickandPledge_PaaS_Processer.php file by using the following syntax :
$file_path = 'ClickandPledge_PaaS_Processor.php'; // This will specify the path for the ClickandPledge_PaaS_Processor.php
require_once $file_path; // This will include the ClickandPledge_PaaS_Processor.php file
Create instance for the class
$object = new PaaS_PHP($file_path); // This will create the instance for the class
- You should use the Click & Pledge form open function to create the form.
- Example : - echo $object->Form_Open();
- All the form elements should be placed after form open function.
- You should use submit function for submitting the form.
- Example : - echo $object->Form_Submit();
- 4.You should use the Click & Pledge form close function to close the form.
- Example : - echo $object->Form_Close();
- To Processes the form and display Error/Success messages use below syntax.
$nn = $an->Check();
Billing/Personal Information
Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
First Name | Set_First_Name(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_First_Name();?>" id="BillingFirstName"/> | Invalid First Name. |
Middle Initial | Set_Middle_Initial(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Middle_Initial();?>" id="BillingMI"/> | Invalid Middle Name. |
Last name | Set_Last_Name(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Last_Name();?>" id="BillingLastName"/> | Invalid Last Name. |
Email | Set_Email(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Email();?>" id="BillingEmail"/> | Invalid Email. |
BillingPhone | Set_Phone(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Phone();?>" id="BillingPhone"/> | Invalid Phone Number. |
Billing Address
Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
Address1 | Set_Billing_Address1(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Billing_Address1();?>" id="BillingAddress1"/> | Invalid Address1. |
Address2 | Set_Billing_Address2(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Billing_Address2();?>" id="BillingAddress2"/> | Invalid Address2. |
Address3 | Set_Billing_Address3(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Billing_Address3();?>" id="BillingAddress3"/> | Invalid Address3. |
City | Set_Billing_City(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Billing_City();?>" id="BillingCity"/> | Invalid City. |
State or Province | Set_State_Province(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_State_Province('billing');?>" id="BillingStateProvince"/> | Invalid State Province. |
Postal Code | Set_Billing_Postal_Code(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Billing_Postal_Code();?>" id="BillingPostalCode"/> | Invalid Postal Code. |
Country Code | Set_Country_Code(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Country_Code('billing',840);?>" id="BillingCountryCode"/> | Invalid Country. |
Shipping Address
Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
First Name | Set_Shipping_First_Name(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_First_Name();?>" id="ShippingFirstName"/> | Invalid Shipping First Name. |
Middle Initial | Set_Shipping_Middle_Initial(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_Middle_Initial();?>" id="ShippingMI"/> | Invalid Shipping Middle Name. |
Last name | Set_Shipping_Last_name(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_Last_name();?>" id="ShippingLastName"/> | Invalid Shipping Last Name. |
Email | Set_Shipping_Email(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_Email();?>" id="ShippingEmail"/> | Invalid Shipping Email. |
BillingPhone | Set_Shipping_Phone(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_Phone();?>" id="ShippingPhone"/> | Invalid Shipping Phone Number. |
Address1 | Set_Shipping_Address1(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_Address1();?>" id="ShippingAddress1"/> | Invalid Shipping Address1. |
Address2 | Set_Shipping_Address2(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_Address2();?>" id="ShippingAddress2"/> | Invalid Shipping Address2. |
Address3 | Set_Shipping_Address3(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_Address3();?>" id="ShippingAddress3"/> | Invalid Shipping Address3. |
City | Set_Shipping_City(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_City();?>" id="ShippingCity"/> | Invalid Shipping City. |
State or Province | Set_State_Province(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_State_Province('shipping');?>" id="ShippingStateProvince"/> | Invalid Shipping State Province. |
Postal Code | Set_Shipping_Postal_Code(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Shipping_Postal_Code();?>" id="ShippingPostalCode"/> | invalid Shipping Postal Code. |
Country Code | Set_Country_Code(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Country_Code('shipping',840);?>" id="BillingCountryCode"/> | Invalid Shipping Country. |
Custom Questions
Top Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
Question | Set_Custom_Question($id,$question); | Employer <?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Question(1,'Employer');?> | |
Answer | Set_Custom_Answer($id); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Answer(1);?>"/> | |
Employer <?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Question(1,'Employer');?><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Answer(1);?>" type="text" maxlength="500" size="50 /> In case of multiple custom questions use a numerical suffix as shown below: Employer <?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Question(1,'Employer');?><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Answer(1);?>" type="text" maxlength="500" size="50 /> Occupation <?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Question(2,'Occupation');?><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Answer(2);?>" type="text" maxlength="500" size="50 /> Place of Employment <?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Question(3,'Place of Employment');?><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Custom_Answer(3);?>" type="text" maxlength="500" size="50 /> Product Information
Top Common name | PHP Function | Example |
Item ID | Set_ItemID($basket_id); | <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $object->Set_ItemID(1);?>" id="ItemID1" value="0"/> |
Item Name | Set_ItemName($basket_id); | <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $object->Set_ItemName(1);?>" id="ItemName1" value="Donation" /> |
Quantity | Set_Quantity($basket_id); | <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Quantity(1);?>" id="Quantity1" value="1" /> |
Unit Price | Set_Unit_Price($basket_id); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(1);?>" id="UnitPrice1" value="" /> |
Unit Deductible % | Set_Unit_Deductible($basket_id); | <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Deductible(1);?>" id="UnitDeductible1" value="10" /> |
Unit Tax | Set_UnitTax($basket_id); | <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $object->Set_UnitTax(1);?>" id="UnitTax1" value="0"/> |
Unit Discount | Set_UnitDiscount($basket_id); | <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $object->Set_UnitDiscount(1);?>" id="UnitDiscount1" value="0"/> |
Item SKU | Set_SKU($basket_id); | <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $object->Set_SKU(1);?>" id="SKU1" value="00-ABCD-2013"/> |
Other field [special case]* Explained in example below |
OTHER field
To help with the “OTHER” field problem the following provision is now a feature of PHP Processor:
- $10
- $20
- $50
- $100
- [OTHER field]
In the above scenario a radio form field passes UnitPrice as the value of the radio field. If the value which is passed by the UnitPrice is “OTHER” then FaaS looks for the amount which is in a text field labeled “OTHER”. The following is a sample HTML demonstrating the above presentation: <input type="radio" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(1);?>" id="radio" value="10" />$10<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(1);?>" id="radio" value="20" />$20<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(1);?>" id="radio" value="30" />$30<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(1);?>" id="radio" value="40" />$40<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(1);?>" id="radio" value="50" />$50<input type="radio" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(1);?>" id="radio" value="<?php echo $object->Set_OtherValue();?>" />OtherOther <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Other(1);?>" type="text" id="Other1" size="10" /> If the radio button option for Other is selected, the Other field text value will be used by PHP Processor as the value passed.Multiple products multiple products may be added to any form by simply incrementing the Basket id for each item. The following provides a quick overview example: <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(1);?>" type="text" id="UnitPrice1" value="5" size="10" /><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Deductible(1);?>" type="hidden" id="UnitDeductible1" value="100%" /> <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_ItemID(1);?>" type="hidden" id="ItemID1" value="1" /><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_ItemName(1);?>" type="hidden" id="ItemName1" value="Cause 1" /><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Quantity(1);?>" type="hidden" id="Quantity1" value="1" /> <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price(2);?>" type="text" id="UnitPrice2" value="10" size="10" /><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Deductible(2);?>" type="hidden" id="UnitDeductible2" value="5" /><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_ItemID(2);?>" type="hidden" id="ItemID2" value="2" /><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_ItemName(2);?>" type="hidden" id="ItemName2" value="Cause 2" /><input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Quantity(2);?>" type="hidden" id="Quantity2" value="1" />There is no limit on the number of elements that may be passed. Note :- <?php echo $object->Set_Unit_Price('text');?> --> Invalid Basket Declaration.Always Basket Id is numeric. Shipping Information
Top Common name | PHP Function | Example |
Method | Set_ShippingMethod(); | Fed-Ex : <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $object->Set_ShippingMethod();?>" id="ShippingMethod" value="Fed-Ex"/> |
Fee and Tax | Set_ShippingValueTax($method,$methodvalue,$methodtax); | <?php echo $object->Set_ShippingValueTax("Fed-Ex",0,2);?> |
Important NoteThe following are key points in dealing with shipping.For Shipping to be added to the receipt ShippingMethod has to have a value. If the value is blank no shipping will be posted.In the absence of "Shipping Address" nodes "Billing Address" will be used for "Shipping Address" nodes. Receipt Information
Top Common name | PHP Function | Example |
WID | Set_Wid($wid); | <?php echo $object->Set_Wid(8547);?> |
Send Receipt | Set_SendReceipt($receipt); | <?php echo $object->Set_SendReceipt('true');?> |
Organization Information | Set_OrganizationInformation($organization_information) | <?php echo $object->Set_OrganizationInformation('Text about Organization');?> |
Thank You Message | Set_ThankYouMessage($thank_you_message); | <?php echo $object->Set_ThankYouMessage('Thank you message will display on receipt');?> |
Recurring Transactions
TopNote :- Allowed Periodicity Values $this->periodicity_options = array('Week'=>'Week','2 Weeks'=>'2 Weeks','Month'=>'Month','2 Months'=>'2 Months','Quarter'=>'Quarter','6 Months'=>'6 Months','Year'=>'Year');Allowed Recurring Method $this->allowed_recurringmethod = array('Installment','Subscription'); Common name | PHP Function | Example |
Recurring Type | Set_Recurring_Method(); | <input type="hidden" name="<?php echo $an->Set_Recurring_Method(); ?>" value="<?php echo $an->allowed_recurringmethod[1]; ?>" /> |
Number of payments* | Set_No_Of_Recurring(); | <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_No_Of_Recurring();?>" type="hidden" value="10" /> |
Periodicity | Set_Periodicity(); | <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_Periodicity();?>" type="hidden" id="Periodicity" value="Month" /> |
Note :- Periodicity Allowed Values $this->periodicity_options=array('Week'=>'Week','2 Weeks'=>'2 Weeks','Month'=>'Month','2 Months'=>'2 Months','Quarter'=>'Quarter','6 Months'=>'6 Months','Year'=>'Year');Example :-<select name="<?php echo $an->Set_Periodicity(); ?>" id="Periodicity"><?php foreach($an->Periodicity_options as $Periodicity_options) { ?><option value="<?php echo $Periodicity_options;?>"><?php echo $Periodicity_options;?></option><?php } ?></select>Special Condition:Subscription = 999: The special case of 999 translates to indefinite recurring payments. The receipt message for the recurring payment will NOT display the END DATE and will ask the patron to contact the organization for cancellation. Installment = 998 is maximum number of Installments. Payment Information
Top The following payment types are supported:$this->allowed_paymenttypes=array('CreditCard','eCheck','CustomPayment Type'); - CreditCard
- eCheck
- Custom Payment Type
Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
Payment Type | Set_PaymentType(); | <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_PaymentType();?>" type="hidden" id="CreditCard" value="CreditCard" /> (or) <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_PaymentType();?>" type="hidden" id="CreditCard" value="<?php echo $an->allowed_paymenttypes[0]; ?>" /> | Payment Method Is Not Supported. |
Name On Card | Set_NameOnCard(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_NameOnCard();?>"/> | Invalid Credit Card Name. |
Card Number | Set_CardNumber(); | <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_CardNumber();?>" type="text" id="CardNumber" /> | Invalid Credit Card Number. |
Cvv2 | Set_Cvv(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_Cvv();?>" id="Cvv2"/> | Invalid Cvv Number. |
Expiration Date* | Set_Expiration_Date(); | <?php echo $object->Set_Expiration_Date();?> | Invalid Month/Year. |
Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
Payment Type | Set_PaymentType(); | <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_PaymentType();?>" type="hidden" id="Check" value="Check" /> (or) <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_PaymentType();?>" type="hidden" id="Check" value="<?php echo $an->allowed_paymenttypes[1]; ?>" /> | Payment Method Is Not Supported. |
Name On Account | Set_NameOnAccount(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_NameOnAccount();?>"/> | Invalid Name On Account. |
Routing Number | Set_RoutingNumber(); | <input name="<?php echo $object->Set_RoutingNumber();?>" type="text" id="RoutingNumber" /> | Invalid Routing Number. |
Account Number | Set_AccountNumber(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_AccountNumber();?>" id="AccountNumber"/> | Invalid Name On Account. |
Account Type | Set_AccountType(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_AccountType();?>" id="AccountType"/> | Invalid Account Type. |
Check Type | Set_CheckType(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_CheckType();?>" id="CheckType"/> | Invalid Check Type. |
Check Number | Set_CheckNumber(); | <input type="text" name="<?php echo $object->Set_CheckNumber();?>" id="CheckNumber"/> | Invalid Check Number. |
$this->allowed_custompaymenttypes = array('Cash', 'Pay Later');
You may add any text as the custom payment type names.
Common name | PHP Function | Example |
Custom Payment Type | Set_CustomPaymentType(); | <select name="<?php echo $an->Set_CustomPaymentType(); ?>" id="CustomPaymentName"> <?php foreach($an->allowed_custompaymenttypes as $Allowed_Custompaymenttypes) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $Allowed_Custompaymenttypes;?>"><?php echo $Allowed_Custompaymenttypes;?></option> <?php } ?></select> |
NOTE: Custom Payment Type: Only past and present transactions are allowed while no future date transaction may be processed.
Account Information
Top Common name | PHP Function | Example |
Guid* and Account ID* | Set_Authentication($guid,$accountid); | <?php echo $object->Set_Authentication('ddd31189-9a80-41d9-99e7-fdbb4350893c','14521');?> |
AccountToken | Set_AccountToken(); | <input name="<?php echo $an->Set_AccountToken();?>" type="radio" id="AccountToken" value="8cab4c84-09a1-4ecc-a614-27902640c2ee/20861/59201/Account-2"> |
* Account information may be combined through AccountToken. AccountToken format is as follows:AccountToken: AccountGuid/AccountID/CheckoutPageID/Tracker If CheckOutPageID is not needed use blank as the valueAccountToken: AccountGuid/AccountID//Tracker AccountToken is useful when a form needs to post all account information fields as an option. For example an organization may have three accounts and wants to use one donation form to accept donations for all three accounts giving the donor the option for donating to a specific account, e.g. Foundation, PAC, and Building Fund. In this case a radio button may be used and AccountToken will be used to pass the account information with each radio button. Order Mode
Top Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
Order Mode | Set_Order_Mode($ordermode); | <?php echo $object->Set_Order_Mode('Test');?> | Invalid Order Mode Argument. |
Tracker | Set_Tracker($tracker); | <?php echo $object->Set_Tracker('Campaign123');?> | Invalid Tracker. |
Campaign | Set_Campaign_Name($campaign_name); | <?php echo $object->Set_Campaign_Name('child fund');?> | Invalid Campaign. |
CONNECT Campaign
Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
CONNECT Campaign | Set_ConnectCampaign(); | <input name="<?php echo $an->Set_ConnectCampaign();?>" type="hidden" id="ConnectCampaign" value="feedthepoor"> | Invalid Connect Campaign. |
Charge Date
Common name | PHP Function | Example | Error Message |
Charge Date | Set_Charge_Date(); | <?php echo $an->Set_Charge_Date();?> | Transaction Date should not be less than system date. |